Rumblenomic Logo


Company Name:Rumblenomic (Previously
Supposed Address:1 Bank St, London E14 4JD, United Kingdom
Phone:+442033189951 +442030026554

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Features and Minimum Deposit

Rumblenomic presents itself as an online Contract for Difference (CFD) trading platform. CFDs allow you to speculate on the price movements of various assets without actually owning them. Here, you can trade popular Forex pairs and Cryptocurrencies with a minimum deposit of $250. While this low entry point might seem appealing, especially for beginners, it’s important to remember that CFD trading carries significant risk.

That being said, Rumblenomic attracts beginner traders by offering educational resources to help users master trading skills. While the effectiveness of these resources is difficult to assess without firsthand experience, their presence can be seen as a positive step. Additionally, they boast an easy-to-use trading platform equipped with various tools to facilitate analysis and trade execution.

A Questionable Transparency

Who is Behind Rumblenomic?

One of the most concerning aspects of Rumblenomic is its complete lack of transparency regarding ownership. The platform offers no information about the people or organization behind the website. There’s no company legal registration, and attempts to find out more about who runs Rumblenomic lead to dead ends. This anonymity is a major red flag in the financial world.

Is Rumblenomic Regulated?

At least Rumblenomic doesn’t completely lack transparency in one key area: regulation. In their “Regulation” section, they don’t explicitly claim to be licensed or regulated by any financial authority. While this isn’t exactly a glowing endorsement, it’s a minor point of honesty compared to the bigger picture.

Located in UK, Really?

Rumblenomic claims to be located in the United Kingdom. However, to offer financial services in the UK, a company needs a license from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). A quick check on the FCA register reveals that Rumblenomic is not listed. This raises a red flag, casting doubt on the legitimacy of their claimed UK location.

Why Regulation Matters

Trading with an unregulated broker like Rumblenomic exposes you to a multitude of risks. Here are some of the biggest dangers:

  • Lack of Dispute Resolution: If you encounter a problem with Rumblenomic, there’s no guarantee of a fair and impartial resolution. Regulatory bodies provide a layer of protection for traders by establishing guidelines and enforcing rules. Without this oversight, if something goes wrong, you may have limited options.
  • Fund Security: Unregulated brokers are not required to adhere to strict rules regarding client fund segregation. This means your deposited funds might not be held securely in segregated accounts. In the event of insolvency or misuse by the broker, your money could be at risk.
  • Unfair Trading Practices: Unregulated brokers may engage in manipulative practices to take advantage of traders. This could include slippage, requotes, or even outright market manipulation.

Regulatory Alerts on Rumblenomic

Rumblenomic has been flagged by not just one, but two financial regulators. These warnings are a serious cause for concern and highlight the potential risks involved in trading with an unregulated broker.

July 4, 2024: The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) has issued a warning, Rumblenomic is not authorized to solicit investors in Québec.

July 8, 2024: The Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) warns consumers that Rumblenomic is not authorized to offer investment services in Spain.


The allure of low minimum deposits and a user-friendly interface might be tempting. However, the complete lack of transparency surrounding Rumblenomic’s ownership and its unregulated status raise serious red flags. When it comes to your hard-earned money, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and choose a platform that operates under the strict oversight of a recognized financial authority.

There are many reputable and regulated CFD brokers available. Do your research and choose a platform that prioritizes transparency and operates within a secure regulatory framework.


Is Rumblenomic a regulated CFD trading platform?

No, Rumblenomic is not regulated.

Has Rumblenomic received any warnings from financial authorities?

Yes, the AMF and CNMV have issued warnings against Rumblenomic in July 2024.

Is Rumblenomic transparent about its operations and management?

No, Rumblenomic operates anonymously, providing no information about the organization behind the website.

What is the minimum deposit required on Rumblenomic?

The minimum deposit required to start trading on Rumblenomic is $250.

Should I trade with Rumblenomic?

Due to its lack of regulation and transparency, it is advisable to choose a more reputable and regulated platform.



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