
From Bitcoin Era to Immediate Connect – The AI Auto-Trading Bot Scam

The Bitcoin Era, Immediate Connect, and Immediate Edge scams come with a lot of name variations; let’s call them “The Immediate Scam.” Those websites that always look the same have the same pattern: a logo, enticing promises, and, most importantly, a form to sign up on the top right side.

Those websites always promise you to win a lot of money with their sophisticated auto-trading bot boosted with “AI testosterone” to crush the market; in other words, they promise you to become rich as quickly as possible without effort. Let’s be honest, that should be the first red flag.

But in reality, their AI trading bot is just the facade of a more sophisticated scam designed to empty your pockets.

How the Bitcoin Era and Immediate Connect Scam Works

Phone Harassment

We all have that one friend who loves to talk on the phone, right? Well, if you accidentally fill out your info on one of these Immediate Scam websites, get ready for a whole new level of phone harassment – let’s call it “harassment calls 101.” Your first mistake? Giving them your precious digits.

Your first misstep was handing over your personal information. From that moment on, expect a barrage of calls from scam call centers, each one pushing you to invest with their “revolutionary” AI auto trading bot.

The Shady Brokers

Once they finally hook you into their traps and you agree to start your trading journey with a minimum sum of $250, they will simply redirect you to a fraudulent scam trading platform that will meticulously try to steal all your money. From now on, you are part of their game; they will assign you a so-called “financial advisor.” Let’s talk without bullshit; this guy is more competent in brainwashing than having skills in financial trading.

He will next create an account for you on some fraudulent trading platform, generally far from a regulated broker. These trading platforms are fake; they can control everything—the amount of money you will win or lose—and manipulate the numbers however they want.

Usually, at the beginning, they will show you incredible profits with the sole aim of getting you to invest more money. And if you try to withdraw your earnings, they will always have multiple excuses: that it’s not the right time or that the platform has some issues at the moment.

Why Are Immediate Connect Scam So Prevalent?

Let’s be honest: these scammers are part of a vast network, and they’ll create as many websites with different names as possible to cast a wide audience. Immediate Edge and Immediate Connect are not the only ones. For some unknown reason, they seem to love the name “Immediate [random word].” Here is a list of their scams with different names:

Immediate CoreImmediate GenesisImmediate ePrex AI (link to review)Immediate TurboImmediate Trader
Immediate Revolution 360Immediate NeuProImmediate Avage 360Immediate IntalImmediate Peak
Immediate VortexImmediate MatrixImmediate EdgeImmediate EvexImmediate Eurax
Immediate EnigmaImmediate CoraldexImmediate CodeImmediate BitwaveImmediate Lidex
Immediate AlphaImmediate Definity AiImmediate MomentumImmediate GranimatorImmediate Profit
Immediate BitcoinImmediate AIImmediate iFexImmediate xGen AiImmediate Achieve Ai
List of Immediate scams names

This is just a small sample of their scam website; they also sometimes completely change names like LimmerCoin, Finance Phantom, and Coin Trade 1000. The easiest way to spot these crypto scams is by their pattern: the logo, hook text, and most importantly, the subscription form on the top right corner of their sites.

Bitcoin Era: The Big Brother of Immediate Connect Crypto Scam?

These scams didn’t just pop up in 2024. Back in early 2021, I already noticed these crypto auto-trading bot scams– well before the flood of websites with names like Immediate Code, Edge, Bitwave, or whatever. Back then, they were all about “Bitcoin” with generic names like:

Bitcoin Era Bitcoin Up Bitcoin Supreme Bitcoin Sprint Bitcoin Oracle AI
Bitcoin 365Bitcoin BankBitcoin Motion Bitcoin PrimeBitcoin Revolution
Bitcoin CircuitBitcoin Loophole Bitcoin SuperStarBitcoin FutureBitcoin Hero
Bitcoin LifestyleBitcoin CompassBitcoin BillionaireBitcoin EvolutionBitcoin System
List of AI trading bot scams

…and the list could go on forever. these crypto scams are growing like mushrooms. But the most surprising thing is that some of them, like Bitcoin Era scam, are still online since more 3 years. When one gets shut down, they just create another domain like or So, yeah, this scam isn’t new, and it doesn’t look like it’s going away anytime soon.

Don’t Fall for Fake Advertising: The Affiliate Marketing Scheme

More and more websites and even Youtube channels will praise the benefits of these auto trading-bot scams. Trust me, these people aren’t trying to share the secret to quick riches. They’re just affiliates, promoting the scams in exchange for a hefty commission.

Youtube Channels Crypto Scams

Take a look at these two YouTube channels: Black Pagoda and Sirf My World. They use the same pattern: The same voice (likely AI-generated), a featured image with the scam’s name and the question “Legit or Scam?” The videos might praise the software, but the real goal is to get you to use their link – and only their link – pretending that other links that you can find are fake. These affiliate links, conveniently placed in the video descriptions, are how they rake in the cash.

It’s pretty shocking that these channels have amassed a decent following (100k subscribers for Black Pagoda and 40k for Sirf My World). Avoid these channels, and report them to YouTube. They’re dangerous and actively spreading the scam.

You can find a lot of paid article scams on various financial and crypto websites. These articles often shower the platform with praise and, surprise surprise, include an affiliate link to direct you straight to the scam. Affiliate marketing itself isn’t inherently bad, but when it’s used to promote scams, it raises serious ethical concerns.

Authority’s Struggle Against Auto-Trading Bot Scams

Unfortunately, scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, operating across borders and employing tactics that make them difficult to catch. The ease with which they can shut down one website and create dozens more makes these scams seem unstoppable.

Reputable financial regulators like the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK and the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) in Spain are actively trying to combat this issue. They do this by issuing warnings to consumers, urging them not to respond to offers from fraudulent crypto trading-bot scams. It’s important to check the company regulation status before investing. It will save you from a lot of misadventures and losing all your funds to scams.

Victim of Bitcoin Era or Immediate Connect Scams?

There are crucial steps that you should take if you are getting scammed by those fraudulent crypto scams:

  • Document Everything: Keep track of every transaction you made with the fraudulent company. Take screenshots of any interactions you had with them, including emails, chat logs, and website pages. This documentation will be essential if you decide to pursue legal action or file a complaint with authorities.
  • Report the Scam: Report the scam to your local police and to the financial regulator in your country (e.g., the FCA in the UK or ASIC in Australia). If you were lured in by a YouTube video, report it to YouTube as well. By reporting the scam, you can help prevent others from falling victim.
  • Report to Your Bank or Credit Card Company: If you made an online payment, contact your bank or credit card company immediately. They might be able to stop the transaction or recover your money through a chargeback process.
  • Share Your Experience: Inform consumer protection groups and share your experience online on platforms like Trustpilot, Sitejabber, and Reddit. You can also share this article to spread awareness and warn others about these scams.
  • Seek Legal Advice: Consult with a lawyer to understand your legal options, especially if you lost a significant amount of money. Legal action might be necessary to recover your funds and hold the scammers accountable.

Don’t hesitate to seek help from the relevant authorities and share your experience to protect others.


The world of online investments can be a wild west, and scams like Bitcoin Era and Immediate Connect are just waiting to ambush unsuspecting investors. Don’t let their slick marketing and promises of easy money fool you. Do your research, stay informed, and never hesitate to report suspicious activity. By staying vigilant and sharing your experiences, we can help expose these scams and protect others from falling victim.


What are Immediate Connect and Bitcoin Era?

Immediate Connect and Bitcoin Era are part of a network of fraudulent websites that promote fake auto-trading bots, promising quick riches through automated trading.

Is Bitcoin Era / Immediate Connect a legitimate trading app?

No, Immediate Connect is a well-known scam that has been around for years. It falsely claims to use automated trading bots to generate high profits, but in reality, it’s designed to lure you into depositing money with unregulated brokers who will ultimately steal your funds.

How do I identify these scams?

Look out for similar website patterns (logo, hook text, top-right sign-up form), promises of effortless wealth, and aggressive sales tactics. Also, be wary of YouTube channels and paid articles promoting these platforms.

What happens if I sign up on these websites?

Expect a barrage of calls from scam call centers pressuring you to invest. They’ll connect you with unregulated brokers who manipulate trades to steal your money.

Can’t withdraw my money from Immediate Connect?

While recovery is challenging, take immediate action: document everything, report the scam to authorities and your bank, and consider seeking legal advice.

How can I avoid falling for these scams?

Be wary of any platform promising guaranteed profits or quick riches. Always research thoroughly, verify the platform’s regulatory status, and read independent reviews before investing.



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