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AHF Ultra

Supposed Address:20-22 Wenlock Road, London, England, N1 7GU
Email:[email protected]

AHF Ultra legit?

Upon visiting their website, we discovered numerous inconsistencies. AHF Ultra asserts that it is operated by various companies. Specifically, the footer of their website indicates that AHFULTRA TRADER is a trading name of Alchemy Markets Limited, a company authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) under license number 431/88.

We decided to look into the CySEC register for more information. Upon searching for license number 431/88, we found a blank page—no firm exists with this registration number. Moreover, we discovered that Alchemy Markets Limited is actually a Maltese company, not a Cypriot one.

Let’s examine the claims made by AHF Ultra. According to their legal page, they are operated by AHFULTRA AUS Capital Ltd, an Australian company registered with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC), holding registration number ACN 612 791 803 and AFSL 491139.

We discovered a company with this registration number however, it is not AHFULTRA AUS Capital Ltd but ETORO AUS CAPITAL LIMITED. What does this imply? It likely means AHF Ultra is using another company’s license to appear legitimate, when in reality, they are fraudsters using another company’s credentials.

Considering all these facts and inconsistencies, the warnings from the FSA Seychelles and Consob make it challenging to trust AHF Ultra as a legitimate broker. Always exercise caution when choosing a trading platform to invest your money.

Timeline records on AHF Ultra

18.10.2023: The Financial Services Authority Seychelles (FSA) has issued a warning against AFHULTRA as an unlawful website.

31.05.2024: The Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Consob) has ordered the blackout of AFHULTRA Trader.

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