Chronovalor Logo


Company Name:Chronovalor
Supposed Address:Level 47 22 Bishopsgate London, EC2N 4BQ, United Kingdom
Phone:+442038666817 +442038666815 +442038266654
Email:[email protected]

Timeline records on Chronovalor:

  • 15.03.2024: The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued a warning against claiming that “This firm is not authorised by us but has been contacting people pretending to be an authorised firm”
  • 25.03.2024: The Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) has indicated that “this company is probably a boiler room”
  • 16.05.2024: The Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) has listed this firm as fraudulent trading platforms.
  • 06.07.2024: Wiki Invest’s take on Chronovalor: The only positive aspect we can acknowledge is their honesty about being an unregulated broker, as stated on their site: “Chronovalor is the classic example of the later as on one hand it is doing business but the other it is awaiting to become fully regulated” However, this transparency does not outweigh the risk of investing with an unregulated broker. claims to be based in the United Kingdom, which is likely false. To operate a trading platform in the UK, Chronovalor should possess a license issued by the FCA, which it does not. Furthermore, the FCA has issued a warning against this firm. The company behind the site, known only as Chronovalor, remains anonymous and does not disclose its legal entity.

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