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Immediate ePrex AI

Company Name:Immediate ePrex / Ethereum ePrex
Supposed Address:N/A
Email:[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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What is Immediate ePrex?

Immediate ePrex AI also known as Ethereum ePrex is a software program marketed as a cryptocurrency trading bot. It promises new and experienced traders effortless profits through automated trading with a claimed success rate of 98%. However, there are significant red flags.

The company behind the software and the details of their algorithms are not disclosed. Additionally, guaranteed profits in the cryptocurrency market are unrealistic due to its high volatility.

Immediate ePrex AI: Easy Setup

Getting started with Immediate ePrex or Ethereum ePrex seems straightforward. You create a free account and then fund it with a minimum deposit of $250. Immediate ePrex AI itself isn’t a trading platform. Instead, it acts as a middleman, directing users to unspecified third-party brokers.

While they claim to partner with CySEC-licensed brokers, the lack of transparency about specific partner platforms raises concerns. Once you sign up with Immediate ePrex, they will supposedly connect you with a suitable broker and presumably their trading robot is then used on that platform.

Warning Signs of a Potential Scam

Immediate EPrex AI / Ethereum ePrex promises high returns and effortless profits in the cryptocurrency market. However, several red flags suggest caution before investing.

  • Guaranteed Profits: The text claims a 98% success rate, which is unrealistic in the volatile cryptocurrency market. No reputable trading tool can guarantee profits.
  • Insane Profits: The language used is overly promotional, promising “insane profits” and claims of people turning their fortunes around overnight.
  • Vague Features: The descriptions of features like “powerful algorithms” and “automated projections” are vague and lack specifics.
  • Lack of Transparency: There’s no mention of the company behind the software or the qualifications of their team.
  • Pressure Tactics: The text creates a sense of urgency, pushing users to “give it a try” without proper research.

Multiple Branding and Lack of Focus

Another concerning aspect of Immediate ePrex AI is its use of multiple website domains and branding variations. They advertise the same service under names like Ethereum ePrex, Immediate Turbo, ImmediateCode-360, Immediate Connect, Immediate Eurax, Immediate NeuPro, Immediate Matrix, Immediate Revolution 360 and Immediate Evex. This lack of focus and consistent branding raises a red flag.

Reputable companies typically operate under a single name and domain to build trust and brand recognition. The use of multiple names might be an attempt to cast a wider net and target more users, or potentially mask negative reviews associated with specific domain names.

Regulatory Warnings

Financial regulators around the world, including the CNMV in Spain, the FCA in the UK, ASIC in Australia, the OSC in Canada, have a strong track record of issuing warnings against those automated trading software. These warnings shouldn’t be taken lightly. Financial regulators act as a vital safeguard for consumers by:

  • Identifying Red Flags: Regulatory bodies possess extensive knowledge of the financial landscape and can identify deceptive practices often employed by such software. Their warnings highlight unrealistic profit guarantees, a lack of transparency, and the use of unregulated brokers.
  • Protecting Consumers from Financial Losses: The allure of effortless wealth creation through automated trading can be tempting. However, these warnings aim to shield consumers from falling victim to misleading claims.
  • Exposing Potential Scams: Regulatory warnings can bring to light potentially fraudulent practices. Since Immediate ePrex AI partners with unspecified third-party brokers, the lack of transparency raises concerns.


Immediate ePrex, Ethereum ePrex promises crypto riches, but unrealistic claims and a lack of transparency suggest otherwise. Their use of multiple websites is a further red flag. Financial regulators around the world warn against those softwares for a reason: potential scams and unregulated brokers. Before investing, do your research and remember – if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


What is Immediate ePrex?

Immediate ePrex, is marketed as an automated cryptocurrency trading bot claiming a 98% success rate.

How do you start with Immediate ePrex?

Create a free account, deposit a minimum of $250.

Is Immediate ePrex transparent about its operations?

No, the company behind the software and details of their algorithms are not disclosed.

What are the warning signs of a potential scam?

Unrealistic profit guarantees, overly promotional language, vague feature descriptions, lack of transparency.

Should you trust Immediate ePrex?

Due to unrealistic claims, lack of transparency, and multiple regulatory warnings, caution is advised.



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