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IronWave Capital

Supposed Address:House Of Francis, Room 303, Ile Du Port, Mahe, Seychelles / 100 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AG, United Kingdom / Hardstrasse 201, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland
Email:[email protected]

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IronWave Capital is an online trading platform offering Contracts for Difference (CFDs), which allow you to speculate on the price movements of various assets without owning them. While the company boasts of its sophisticated tools and experienced team, a closer look reveals some concerning inconsistencies and red flags that warrant further investigation.

Trading Platform and Account Types:

IronWave Capital’s trading platform offers access to over 600 products across various asset classes, including currencies, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies. They utilize the popular MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform, known for its robust features and user-friendly interface. The platform offers three account types:

Each account type comes with unique features, such as personal account managers, exclusive webinars, and advanced trading tools.

IronWave Capital’s Claims vs. Reality

IronWave Capital claims to be operated by ALPHA INTERNATIONAL MARKETS LTD, a Seychelles-registered company authorized and regulated by the Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA) with license number 230425. This claim, however, is false. Upon verification with the FSA register, no such entity or license number exists. This deliberate misrepresentation of regulatory status is a major red flag, as it aims to deceive potential investors into believing the platform operates under legitimate oversight.

Misleading Terms and Conditions: UK Jurisdiction Claim

IronWave Capital’s attempts to establish legitimacy are further muddied by contradictory information presented on their website. While claiming registration in the Seychelles, their terms and conditions surprisingly state that the governing law is that of the United Kingdom. This discrepancy raises questions about the platform’s true location and legal jurisdiction. Furthermore, if the governing law were indeed the UK, IronWave Capital would be required to hold a license from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), which a check of the FCA register reveals they do not possess.

Adding to the confusion, their contact information page lists addresses in both the UK and Switzerland, yet they are not registered with the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). This lack of transparency and inconsistent information paints a concerning picture, making it difficult to ascertain IronWave Capital’s true identity and intentions.

The absence of regulatory oversight from any reputable authority combined with conflicting claims about location and jurisdiction casts a significant shadow over the platform’s legitimacy and trustworthiness.

CNMV Warning: Unauthorized Operations in Spain

The Spanish financial regulator, the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV), issued a warning against IronWave Capital on July 22, 2024. This warning states that the platform is not authorized to offer financial services in Spain, further highlighting its disregard for regulatory compliance.

Alarming User Reviews

While IronWave Capital boasts positive reviews on some platforms, a closer look at Trustpilot reveals a different story. Users express frustration and anger, accusing the platform of fraudulent practices. A common theme is the aggressive push to deposit more funds, particularly after an initial deposit. One user described being “stalked” with calls to upgrade to a higher account level after initially depositing €250. Another user reported their account being closed abruptly after refusing to invest £10,000. These accounts raise red flags about the platform’s motives and its commitment to client interests.

Furthermore, several users mention experiencing a “bait-and-switch” tactic. They report initially making profits with a small investment, only to have their accounts frozen or manipulated once they refuse to invest more. This practice, along with the difficulties in withdrawing funds described by multiple users, casts a shadow over IronWave Capital’s credibility and raises serious concerns about its legitimacy.


Based on the evidence presented, IronWave Capital exhibits numerous red flags that should not be ignored. The false claims of regulation, lack of transparency, CNMV warning, and misleading terms and conditions all point towards a potentially fraudulent operation. It is strongly advised to avoid this platform and choose a regulated broker with a proven track record and transparent operations to protect your investments.


Is IronWave Capital regulated?

No, IronWave Capital is not regulated by any reputable financial authority despite claiming to be licensed in Seychelles.

What are the risks of investing with IronWave Capital?

Due to its unregulated status, investing with IronWave Capital carries high risks, including potential loss of funds, difficulty with withdrawals, and no legal protection.

What do user reviews say about IronWave Capital?

User reviews are mixed, with some positive feedback but also numerous complaints about withdrawal issues and aggressive sales tactics.

Is it safe to trade with IronWave Capital?

Given the lack of regulation, conflicting information, and negative user experiences, it is not considered safe to trade with IronWave Capital.



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