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LivoFx Trade

Company Name:Livo Fx Trade
Supposed Address:1, Siafi Street, Porto Bello, Office 401 Limassol / 107 Cheapside, London, United Kingdom / 9A CT House, 2nd Floor Providence, Mahe, Seychelles
Email:[email protected]

Overview and Regulation

LivoFx Trade is an online trading platform, allegedly located in the United Kingdom, Cyprus, Seychelles, South Africa, and the British Virgin Islands. LivoFxTrade claims to be “heavily regulated and licensed across multiple jurisdictions.” However, this is false.

For example, they state that their company, Livo Fx Trade ZA (PTY) Ltd, is “authorized by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) in South Africa as a Financial Service Provider (FSP) with registration number 2020/234138/07 and FSP number 51024.”

A simple search on the FSP Register reveals that the license belongs to another company, EXNESS ZA (PTY) LTD. This is a fraudulent tactic used by scammers to pretend they operate a legitimate business. Moreover, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) warns consumers against as an unauthorized company.

Timeline records on LivoFxTrade

July 15, 2024: The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued a warning that Livo Fx Trade is not authorized to offer financial services in the UK.

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Is LivoFx Trade a regulated trading platform?

No, LivoFx Trade is not regulated and falsely claims to be licensed across multiple jurisdictions.

Has LivoFx Trade received any warnings from financial authorities?

Yes, the FCA issued a warning against LivoFxTrade on July 15, 2024.

Is it safe to invest with LivoFxTrade?

No, investing with an unregulated company like LivoFxTrade exposes you to significant risks, including fraud and loss of funds.



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