LumineTrade Logo


Company Name:UIT solution LTD,
Supposed Address:Trust Company Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, Republic of the Marshal Islands / 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AF, UK
Phone:+61251108353 +442034359251 +14388047756
Email:[email protected]

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LumineTrade presents itself as a cryptocurrency and forex trading platform offering a user-friendly interface, advanced tools, and educational resources to help traders make informed decisions. However, behind this facade are regulatory warnings, dubious practices, and troubling user reviews. The platform has also been known to frequently change its domain name, likely in an attempt to evade scrutiny and continue operating despite numerous red flags.

LumineTrade’s Trading Platform

LumineTrade offers trading in a variety of financial instruments, including forex, stocks, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies. They provide a trading platform accessible through a web browser or a mobile app for trading on the go.

LumineTrade offers four account types with varying minimum deposits and features: Basic, Silver, Gold, and Platinum:

Multiple Regulatory Warnings: A Global Red Flag

LumineTrade’s lack of regulatory compliance is a major issue. Despite claiming to operate under UIT Solution LTD, a company registered in the Marshall Islands (a known offshore haven), the platform has received warnings from multiple financial authorities worldwide:

These multiple warnings from reputable financial regulators across different jurisdictions paint a concerning picture. It indicates that Lumine Trade is operating globally without adhering to essential financial regulations designed to protect investors.

Shifting Domains

Another concern about LumineTrade is its history of changing domain names. The platform has operated under various web addresses, including,,,,, and currently,

This pattern of domain hopping is a common tactic used by fraudulent platforms to evade regulatory scrutiny and continue operating despite warnings and complaints. It also makes it hard for potential investors to track the platform’s history and check its legitimacy.

Misleading Claims and Questionable Practices

LumineTrade’s claim of operating from: 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AF is misleading. The company is not authorized to provide financial services in the UK, raising concerns about its transparency and trustworthiness.

Remote Access Software Red Flag: A Security Risk

LumineTrade’s use of remote access software like AnyDesk and TeamViewer is a significant red flag. While these tools can be legitimate for technical support purposes, they can also be exploited by malicious actors to gain unauthorized access to a user’s computer. This could lead to the theft of sensitive personal and financial information, putting users at risk of identity theft and financial fraud.

The fact that Lumine Trade encourages or requires the use of such software raises serious questions about their motives and commitment to protecting user data. Real financial platforms prioritize security and would never risk their clients’ information with unsafe software.

Troubling User Experiences: Allegations of Scam and Withdrawal Issues

User reviews on Trustpilot paint a bleak picture of LumineTrade, revealing a pattern of concerning behavior that raises serious doubts about the platform’s legitimacy:

  • Aggressive Sales Tactics: Many users report being bombarded with persistent phone calls and emails from LumineTrade representatives, pressuring them to deposit more money even after experiencing losses. Some even describe these tactics as “harassment.”
  • Withdrawal Difficulties: Numerous users have faced significant challenges when trying to withdraw their funds, including delays, excuses, and outright refusals.
  • Bait-and-Switch Tactics: Several reviewers describe a “bait-and-switch” scenario, where they are lured in with initial profits only to have their accounts frozen or manipulated once they refuse to invest more.
  • Frozen Accounts: Some users report having their accounts frozen without explanation, preventing them from accessing their funds.
  • Unfulfilled Promises: Many users express frustration over unfulfilled promises made by LumineTrade representatives.

These consistent patterns of behavior, coupled with the lack of regulation and transparency, raise serious concerns about LumineTrade’s ethical practices and suggest that the platform may be engaging in fraudulent activities.


Given the multiple regulatory warnings, misleading claims, lack of transparency, use of potentially risky software, domain hopping history, and negative user experiences, it is strongly advised to avoid LumineTrade. The platform’s operations raise serious concerns about its legitimacy and the safety of your investments.


Is LumineTrade a regulated broker?

No, LumineTrade is not regulated by any reputable financial authority and has received multiple warnings from regulators like the ASIC, FCA, AFM, AMF, and ASC.

Where is LumineTrade located?

While claiming a UK address, LumineTrade operates under a company registered in the Marshall Islands, a known offshore jurisdiction with lax financial regulations.

What trading platforms does LumineTrade offer?

LumineTrade offers a web-based trading platform and a mobile app for trading various financial instruments.

What are the account types offered by LumineTrade?

LumineTrade offers four account types: Basic, Silver, Gold, and Platinum, each with different minimum deposits.

Should I invest with LumineTrade?

Given the numerous red flags associated with LumineTrade, it is strongly recommended to avoid this platform and choose a regulated broker.



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