
Company Name:Primedigitals
Supposed Address:9 Woodhill Road, Portishead, Somerset, United Kingdom, BS20 7EU
Email:[email protected]

Timeline records on

03.07.2024: The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued a warning against this firm, stating that it is not authorized to offer financial services.

08.07.2024: Wiki Invest’s thoughts on Primedigitals: The firm claims to be located at 9 Woodhill Road, Portishead, Somerset, United Kingdom, BS20 7EU. This is likely a false statement. To offer financial services in the UK, Primedigitals should hold a license issued by the FCA, which it does not. The FCA itself has warned consumers about this company. Furthermore, we don’t even know who is behind Primedigitals, as it does not mention any company in its legal form. Therefore, Primedigitals is nothing more than an anonymous investment site without regulations.

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