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Trust Fund Fx Company

Company Name:Trustfund FX Company LTD
Supposed Address:Unit 3, 21 Botanic Avenue, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT7 1JJ
Email:[email protected]

Overview and Regulation

Trustfund FX Company is an online forex and cryptocurrency STP broker providing CFD trading on hundreds of assets. Allegedly located at Unit 3, 21 Botanic Avenue, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT7 1JJ.

Trustfund FX Company does not provide information about its legal registration or license to offer financial services in the UK. Moreover, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) warns consumers against Trustfund FX Company LTD.

Investing with an unregulated investment company exposes you to scammers. Without regulatory oversight, these companies can operate without accountability, making it easier for them to commit fraud and disappear with your funds. Always verify that the investment company is properly regulated to protect your assets.

Timeline records on Trustfund FX

July 15, 2024: The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued a warning that Trustfund FX Company is not authorized to offer financial services in the UK.

Victim to an Online Scam?

CNC Intelligence specializes in uncovering complex financial crimes and tracing lost assets. Don’t let scammers get away with your hard-earned money. Take the first step towards justice. Get a free consultation by filling out the form below.


Is Trustfund FX Company a regulated broker?

No, Trustfund FX Company is not regulated.

Has Trustfund FX Company received any warnings from financial authorities?

Yes, the FCA issued a warning against Trustfund FX Company on July 15, 2024.

Is it safe to invest with Trustfund FX Company?

No, investing with an unregulated company like Trustfund FX Company exposes you to significant risks, including fraud and loss of funds.



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