WestHillCapital.pro Logo

West Hill Capital (westhillcapital.pro)

🏢 Company Name:West Hill Capital
🌐 Website:westhillcapital.pro
📍 Supposed Address:N/A
📞 Phone:N/A
✉️ Email:[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Timeline records on WestHillCapital.pro

30.04.2024: The Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) has issued a warning against West Hill Capital, identifying it as an unauthorized trading platform.

08.07.2024: The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) warns against WestHillCapital.pro, stating that the company is a clone of a legitimate firm authorized by the FCA. WestHillCapital.pro has no connection with West Hill Capital LLP (westhillcapital.co.uk).

08.07.2024: Wiki Invest opinion: Despite WestHillCapital.pro claims to be a reliable and safe trading platform, they fail to show crucial evidence. Indeed,  West Hill Capital does not show much evidence of their legitimacy; the company is anonymous, there is no firm legal designation, and not even an address or mobile phone is given. They fail to provide a license registration number from an official financial institution. Add to this, WestHillCapital.pro has already been blacklisted by two of the strongest regulators in Europe, the FCA and the AMF. WestHillCapital.pro is using the same name as an FCA-authorized company, probably to lure investors.

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